Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit of God, through our Chief Overseer and Diocesan Leader, Bishop Dr. Clary K. Butler, Sr., together with the assistance of Bishop Charlene M. Jamison, Diocesan Assistant Bishop and a host of people just like you, we are able to maintain a structure that allows us to meet the needs of those in the City of Pompano Beach, Florida, and around the world.
When you support this ministry endeavor with the purchase of a personal gold, silver, or bronze leaf, on what we call, "The Donor Tree of Life," you will automatically join with us to fulfill the Christian mandate written in Luke 14:23, "And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled."
What a wonderful and blessed way to honor your love ones, represent your company, your family or yourself with a personalized message. This will be an everlasting blessing, to benefit all the departments that we operate.
In advance, we thank you for your generous support.