The Young Folks & Friends Union, commonly known as the Y.F.F.U., consist of youths from the ages of three (3) - seventeen (17). Our goal is to render assistance to every young person that we encounter to help them find their place in the church, the community... and the world.
Our continued efforts is to impart our youth into leadership development programs for young people committed to creating positive social and spiritual change in all that they do. We acknowledge that our youth represent diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and approaches to the matters that they face. Our focus is to work on many different progressive issues during online and in-person events, to effectuate change in homes, schools, churches and communities across the country.
It is written, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6.
Purpose of Y.F.F.U.
1. To intelligently train our young people in the doctrine of true Holiness
2. To make their influences in true Holiness meaningful
3. To develop an appreciation for the pioneers of the past
4. To inspire them to grow in Knowledge, Faith, and Purity
5. To assist our youth in finding their places in the Church